Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). By Javier Briz.-
White Fronted Goose: At Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz): one juvenile on 13/11 (Marc Gálvez, Eva Palacios, José Guerra, María José Valencia, Sergio Mayordomo and Xurxo Piñeiro) and two adults on 20/11 with plumage features of the subspecies
A. a. flavirostris (Dave Langlois and Sammy Langlois).
Barnacle Goose: At Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz): one bird on 10/11 (Martin Kelsey), three on 13/11 (M. Gálvez, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro), two on 20/11 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois) and one on 26/11 (Fran Molinos, José Mari Salazar, Juani, Javi, Mila, Mertxe and Agustín). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 18/11 (S. Mayordomo) and on 22/11 (Javier Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Egyptian Goose: At Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz): two birds on 1/11 (Francisco Lopo) and on 25/11 (F. Molinos, J. M. Salazar, Juani, Javi, Mila, Mertxe and Agustín). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/11 (X. Piñeiro, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia and S. Mayordomo).
Shelduck: two birds at Lugar Nuevo, Peraleda de la Mata (Cáceres), on 1/11 (Javier Briz). Three birds at Los Canchales reservoir on 19/11 (Antonia Cangas, Elvira del Viejo, Pedro and Marina). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Teal: 480 birds at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/11 (X. Piñeiro, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia and S. Mayordomo). 442 birds at Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), on 15/11 (J. Prieta).
Red Crested Pochard: At Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres): one female on 13/11 (M. Gálvez, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and three drakes on 15/11 (Paco Bernáldez). At Moheda Alta (Badajoz): one drake on 29/11 (M. Kelsey).
Black Necked Grebe: One bird at a pond beside Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). At Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres), one bird from 18/11 to 26/11 (J. Prieta; E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). One bird at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 18/11 (Chris Mills). One bird at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 27/11 (Arantxa Murguiondo, Catalina Perera, Eva Bratek, José Carlos López, José Luis Bautista, Pablo Herrador and S. Mayordomo). One bird still at Ventaquemada reservoir, Guijo de Granadilla (Cáceres), on 30/11 (S. Mayordomo and J. Prieta).
Greater Flamingo: One bird at Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz) on 19/11 (A. Cangas, E. del Viejo, Pedro and Marina).
Pelican: One bird in flight near Don Benito (Badajoz) on 21/10 (Atanasio Fernández).
Cormorant: 1000 birds at River Guadiana, Badajoz, on 11/11 (Juan Carlos Paniagua).
Glossy Ibis: 70 birds at a mixed heron roost in Madrigalejo (Cáceres) in mid November 2011 (anonymous comment).
The biggest flock ever seen in Extremadura.-
Spoonbill: Wintering birds: At El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), five birds on 6/11 (Carlos Fernández, Juanma Brías and Rafael Parra) and 12 on 28/11 (R. Parra). Three at Los Canchales reservoir on 19/11 (A. Cangas, E. del Viejo, Pedro and Marina). Three birds at Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 29/11 (Ricardo Montero and S. Mayordomo).
Bittern: One bird at Santa Amalia on 1/11 (Fernando Yuste and Juan Pablo Prieto). One bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/11 (E. Palacios, Isabel Gallardo, Manuel García del Rey, Miguel Ángel Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Little Bittern: Wintering birds: one at El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto). On river Guadiana: three birds at Badajoz on 11/11 (J. C. Paniagua), one at Mérida on 13/11 (Á. Sánchez) and another three at Badajoz on 30/11 (J. C. Paniagua). One bird at Arrocampo reservoir on 16/11 (E. Palacios, I. Gallardo, M. García del Rey, M. Á, Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Night Heron: Wintering birds: two birds at river Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz), on 14/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Squacco Heron: Wintering bird: one bird at Laguna los Hornos, Santa Amalia (Badajoz), on 6/11 (F. Yuste) and two on 12/11 (África Yuste and F. Yuste). At river Guadiana, Badajoz (Badajoz), one bird on 12/11 and 2 on 30/12 (J. C. Paniagua). At Palazuelo ricefields, one bird (Badajoz) on 13/11 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and two on 29/11 (M. Kelsey). On 18/11 one bird at El Batán ricefields (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Great White Egret: On 13/11 11 birds were seen at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and 20 at Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz) (Á. Sánchez).
Possible hybrid between Western Reef Egret and Little Egret (Egretta gularis x garzetta)
in a Little Egret flock (Egretta garzetta). Navalmoral de la Mata, 20.11.2011 (Javier Briz). -
Western Reef Egret x Little Egret: One probable hybrid on 18/11 and 20/11 at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) (J. Briz, M. García del Rey and Vicente Risco).
White Stork: 1200 birds at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Black Stork: Wintering birds: 18 birds on 4/11 at Canal de la Dehesas, Logrosán (Cáceres), and 3 immatures 6/11 at Mérida (Á. Sánchez). One bird at El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), on 6/11 (C. Fernández, J. M. Brías and R. Parra). One bird at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 10/11 (M. Kelsey). One bird at on reservoir de Gargáligas (Badajoz) on 23/11 (E. Palacios, M. Á. Muñoz and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Jarilla reservoir (Cáceres) on 30/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Osprey: Wintering bird: the habitual winter visitor has returned to de Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) (Alberto Pacheco).
Booted Eagle: Wintering birds: one light phase bird at Hinojosa del Valle (Badajoz) on 1/11 (Á. Sánchez, J. Sánchez e Isabel). One light phase bird at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 10/11 (M. Kelsey). One dark phase bird at river Gargáligas (Badajoz) on 20/11 (Lorenzo Alcántara). One bird at Gargáligas reservoir (Badajoz) on 24/11 (Jacobo Hernández and J. P. Prieto). One dark phase bird at Montehermoso (Cáceres) on 25/11 (Javier Mahíllo).
Goshawk: One bird at Puerto de Tornavacas (Cáceres) on 23/11 (Helios Dalmau).
Great Bustard: 50 birds at Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 10/11 (M. Kelsey).
Little Bustard: 300 birds at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 25/11 (Steve Fletcher).
Crane: 32,200 birds in the central zone (Badajoz-Cáceres) on 18/11 (Manuel Gómez Calzado, Miguel Gómez Guarín and Ángel Nubla).
Sandhill Crane: One bird between Palazuelo and El Torviscal (Badajoz) on 4/11 (M. Gómez Calzado). First ever record for Spain and Extremadura.
Avocet: At Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz): one bird on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto) and 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo) and 22 birds on 24/11 (J. Hernández and J. P. Prieto). One bird at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 13/11 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro). 15 birds on 20/11 at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) (C. Mills). One bird at Portaje reservoir on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds, one ringed in France and another with a large tumour, at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo) and 26/11 (J. Prieta).
Kentish Plover: At Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz): 21 birds on 5/11, 28 on 8/11 (J. P. Prieto) and 8 on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo). Five birds at Santa Amalia (Badajoz) on 8/11 (F. Yuste). Five birds at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 24/11 (J. Hernández and J. P. Prieto).
Curlew: One bird at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (A. Pacheco). One bird at Llanos de Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) on 8/11 and four at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Black Tailed Godwit: One bird at Galisteo ricefield on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S.Mayordomo) and 26/11 (J. Prieta).
Woodcock: One bird at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) on 14/11 (A. Pacheco) and another on 22/11 and 23/11 at Trujillo (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey).
Spotted Redshank: One bird at the following sites: Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 4/11 (R. Montero and S. Mayordomo); El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo); Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 18/11 (S. Mayordomo); and El Batán (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola), right, and Snipe (Gallinago gallinago). By Juan Pablo Prieto.-
Wood Sandpiper: One bird at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto) and another at El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo).
Dunlin: 600 birds at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 8/11 (F. Yuste) and 180 at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo).
Mediterranean Gull: One first-winter bird at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Little Tern: Wintering bird: at river Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz), one bird on 14/11 and 29/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Pintailed Sandgrouse: 170 birds at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 7/11 (M. Kelsey).
Stock Dove: 231 birds at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 2/11 (J. Prieta). 36 birds at Portaje (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). 56 birds in flight over Plasencia on 17/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). 25 birds at Riolobos (Cáceres) on 18/11 (J. Prieta).
Short Eared Owl: One bird at Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres) on 28/11 (R. Parra).
Pallid Swift: At Alange (Badajoz): six birds on 29/11 and seven flying into building niches at dusk on 30/11 (Jesús Solana).
Wryneck: Wintering birds: one bird at Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 7/11 (M. Kelsey), at Toril on 12/11 (J. Briz) and at Plasencia on 29/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Chough: Eight birds at El Pitolero, Cabezabellosa (Cáceres), on 21/11 (R. Montero). Two birds at Arroyo reservoir Conejos (Badajoz) on 26/11 (Antonio Núñez, J. Solana and Vanessa de Alba).
Carrion Crow: One bird at Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) on 8/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
House Martin: Wintering birds: on 7/11, three 3 birds at Badajoz (J. C. Paniagua) and one at Plasencia (Cáceres) (J. Prieta). One bird in a Crag Martin flock at La Tajadilla, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 13/11 (M. Kelsey). Two birds at Mérida (Badajoz) on 14/11 (Á. Sánchez). One bird at Charca del Judío, Plasencia (Cáceres), on 18/11 (J. Prieta).
Red-Rumped Swallow: Wintering birds: one bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 11/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Four birds at La Tajadilla, Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 13/11 and at the Plaza Mayor of Trujillo (Cáceres), 20 birds on 14/11, seven on 23/11 and one on 28/11 (M. Kelsey).
Goldcrest: Two birds at Riomalo de Abajo (Cáceres) on 10/11 (A. Pacheco).
Dipper: One bird at Charca del pueblo de Robledillo de Trujillo (Cáceres) on 5/11 (S. Fletcher).
Ring Ouzel: One bird at Guadalupe (Cáceres) on 12/11 (Emilio Costillo).
Bluethroat: One male at El Batán (Cáceres) on 4/11 (S. Mayordomo) and three males at Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Alpine Acccentor: One bird at Puerto de Esparabán, Pinofranqueado (Cáceres), on 17/11 (A. Pacheco).
White/Pied Wagtail: Two birds of the
M. a. yarrellii subspecies at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Bullfinch: One bird at Guijo de Santa Bárbara (Cáceres) on 13/11 (Jesús Calle) and a pair at Valcorchero, Plasencia (Cáceres), on 17/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Yellowhammer: Four birds, one of them male, at Oliva de Plasencia (Cáceres) on 17/11 (C. Mills and R. Montero).
Purple Heron: One bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/11 (E. Palacios, I. Gallardo, M. García del Rey, M. Á. Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Pallid Swift: One bird at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Briz).
Alpine Swift: On 19/11 two birds were seen at Badajoz (J. C. Paniagua) and three at Alange reservoir (Badajoz) (J. Solana). Last birds at Mérida (Badajoz) on 21/11 (Á. Sánchez).
White-Rumped Swift: Two birds, one of them entering a nest, on 13/11 at Monfragüe (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey). Latest Extremadura record.
Willow Warbler: One bird at river Rivillas, Badajoz, on 7/11 (J. C. Paniagua).
Whitethroat: One bird at river Guadiana, Badajoz, on 11/11 (J. C. Paniagua).
Wheatear: On 9/11, one bird at Palazuelo (Badajoz) and another at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo). One bird at Mirandilla (Badajoz) on 20/11 (J. Solana).
Yellow Wagtail: One tailless bird on 11/11 at Arrocampo reservoir (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). By Javier Briz.-
White Fronted Goose: At Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz): one juvenile on 13/11 (Marc Gálvez, Eva Palacios, José Guerra, María José Valencia, Sergio Mayordomo and Xurxo Piñeiro) and two adults on 20/11 with plumage features of the subspecies
A. a. flavirostris (Dave Langlois and Sammy Langlois).
Barnacle Goose: At Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz): one bird on 10/11 (Martin Kelsey), three on 13/11 (M. Gálvez, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro), two on 20/11 (D. Langlois and S. Langlois) and one on 26/11 (Fran Molinos, José Mari Salazar, Juani, Javi, Mila, Mertxe and Agustín). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 18/11 (S. Mayordomo) and on 22/11 (Javier Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Egyptian Goose: At Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz): two birds on 1/11 (Francisco Lopo) and on 25/11 (F. Molinos, J. M. Salazar, Juani, Javi, Mila, Mertxe and Agustín). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/11 (X. Piñeiro, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia and S. Mayordomo).
Shelduck: two birds at Lugar Nuevo, Peraleda de la Mata (Cáceres), on 1/11 (Javier Briz). Three birds at Los Canchales reservoir on 19/11 (Antonia Cangas, Elvira del Viejo, Pedro and Marina). One bird at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Teal: 480 birds at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 13/11 (X. Piñeiro, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia and S. Mayordomo). 442 birds at Charco Salado, Casatejada (Cáceres), on 15/11 (J. Prieta).
Red Crested Pochard: At Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres): one female on 13/11 (M. Gálvez, E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and three drakes on 15/11 (Paco Bernáldez). At Moheda Alta (Badajoz): one drake on 29/11 (M. Kelsey).
Black Necked Grebe: One bird at a pond beside Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). At Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres), one bird from 18/11 to 26/11 (J. Prieta; E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). One bird at Valdefuentes gravel pit, Galisteo (Cáceres), on 18/11 (Chris Mills). One bird at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) on 27/11 (Arantxa Murguiondo, Catalina Perera, Eva Bratek, José Carlos López, José Luis Bautista, Pablo Herrador and S. Mayordomo). One bird still at Ventaquemada reservoir, Guijo de Granadilla (Cáceres), on 30/11 (S. Mayordomo and J. Prieta).
Greater Flamingo: One bird at Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz) on 19/11 (A. Cangas, E. del Viejo, Pedro and Marina).
Pelican: One bird in flight near Don Benito (Badajoz) on 21/10 (Atanasio Fernández).
Cormorant: 1000 birds at River Guadiana, Badajoz, on 11/11 (Juan Carlos Paniagua).
Glossy Ibis: 70 birds at a mixed heron roost in Madrigalejo (Cáceres) in mid November 2011 (anonymous comment).
The biggest flock ever seen in Extremadura.-
Spoonbill: Wintering birds: At El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), five birds on 6/11 (Carlos Fernández, Juanma Brías and Rafael Parra) and 12 on 28/11 (R. Parra). Three at Los Canchales reservoir on 19/11 (A. Cangas, E. del Viejo, Pedro and Marina). Three birds at Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 29/11 (Ricardo Montero and S. Mayordomo).
Bittern: One bird at Santa Amalia on 1/11 (Fernando Yuste and Juan Pablo Prieto). One bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/11 (E. Palacios, Isabel Gallardo, Manuel García del Rey, Miguel Ángel Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Little Bittern: Wintering birds: one at El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto). On river Guadiana: three birds at Badajoz on 11/11 (J. C. Paniagua), one at Mérida on 13/11 (Á. Sánchez) and another three at Badajoz on 30/11 (J. C. Paniagua). One bird at Arrocampo reservoir on 16/11 (E. Palacios, I. Gallardo, M. García del Rey, M. Á, Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Night Heron: Wintering birds: two birds at river Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz), on 14/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Squacco Heron: Wintering bird: one bird at Laguna los Hornos, Santa Amalia (Badajoz), on 6/11 (F. Yuste) and two on 12/11 (África Yuste and F. Yuste). At river Guadiana, Badajoz (Badajoz), one bird on 12/11 and 2 on 30/12 (J. C. Paniagua). At Palazuelo ricefields, one bird (Badajoz) on 13/11 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and two on 29/11 (M. Kelsey). On 18/11 one bird at El Batán ricefields (Cáceres) (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Great White Egret: On 13/11 11 birds were seen at Cubilar reservoir (Cáceres) (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro) and 20 at Los Canchales reservoir (Badajoz) (Á. Sánchez).
Possible hybrid between Western Reef Egret and Little Egret (Egretta gularis x garzetta)
in a Little Egret flock (Egretta garzetta). Navalmoral de la Mata, 20.11.2011 (Javier Briz). -
Western Reef Egret x Little Egret: One probable hybrid on 18/11 and 20/11 at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) (J. Briz, M. García del Rey and Vicente Risco).
White Stork: 1200 birds at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Black Stork: Wintering birds: 18 birds on 4/11 at Canal de la Dehesas, Logrosán (Cáceres), and 3 immatures 6/11 at Mérida (Á. Sánchez). One bird at El Ancho, Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres), on 6/11 (C. Fernández, J. M. Brías and R. Parra). One bird at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 10/11 (M. Kelsey). One bird at on reservoir de Gargáligas (Badajoz) on 23/11 (E. Palacios, M. Á. Muñoz and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Jarilla reservoir (Cáceres) on 30/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
Osprey: Wintering bird: the habitual winter visitor has returned to de Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) (Alberto Pacheco).
Booted Eagle: Wintering birds: one light phase bird at Hinojosa del Valle (Badajoz) on 1/11 (Á. Sánchez, J. Sánchez e Isabel). One light phase bird at Moheda Alta, Navalvillar de Pela (Badajoz), on 10/11 (M. Kelsey). One dark phase bird at river Gargáligas (Badajoz) on 20/11 (Lorenzo Alcántara). One bird at Gargáligas reservoir (Badajoz) on 24/11 (Jacobo Hernández and J. P. Prieto). One dark phase bird at Montehermoso (Cáceres) on 25/11 (Javier Mahíllo).
Goshawk: One bird at Puerto de Tornavacas (Cáceres) on 23/11 (Helios Dalmau).
Great Bustard: 50 birds at Vegas Altas (Badajoz) on 10/11 (M. Kelsey).
Little Bustard: 300 birds at Belén, Trujillo (Cáceres), on 25/11 (Steve Fletcher).
Crane: 32,200 birds in the central zone (Badajoz-Cáceres) on 18/11 (Manuel Gómez Calzado, Miguel Gómez Guarín and Ángel Nubla).
Sandhill Crane: One bird between Palazuelo and El Torviscal (Badajoz) on 4/11 (M. Gómez Calzado). First ever record for Spain and Extremadura.
Avocet: At Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz): one bird on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto) and 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo) and 22 birds on 24/11 (J. Hernández and J. P. Prieto). One bird at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 13/11 (E. Palacios, J. Guerra, M. Gálvez, M. J. Valencia, S. Mayordomo and X. Piñeiro). 15 birds on 20/11 at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) (C. Mills). One bird at Portaje reservoir on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds, one ringed in France and another with a large tumour, at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo) and 26/11 (J. Prieta).
Kentish Plover: At Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz): 21 birds on 5/11, 28 on 8/11 (J. P. Prieto) and 8 on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo). Five birds at Santa Amalia (Badajoz) on 8/11 (F. Yuste). Five birds at Palazuelo ricefields (Badajoz) on 24/11 (J. Hernández and J. P. Prieto).
Curlew: One bird at Gabriel y Galán reservoir (Cáceres) on 5/11 (A. Pacheco). One bird at Llanos de Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) on 8/11 and four at Portaje reservoir (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Black Tailed Godwit: One bird at Galisteo ricefield on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S.Mayordomo) and 26/11 (J. Prieta).
Woodcock: One bird at Mohedas de Granadilla (Cáceres) on 14/11 (A. Pacheco) and another on 22/11 and 23/11 at Trujillo (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey).
Spotted Redshank: One bird at the following sites: Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 4/11 (R. Montero and S. Mayordomo); El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo); Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 18/11 (S. Mayordomo); and El Batán (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo). Two birds at Galisteo ricefield (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Wood Sandpiper (Tringa glareola), right, and Snipe (Gallinago gallinago). By Juan Pablo Prieto.-
Wood Sandpiper: One bird at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 5/11 (J. P. Prieto) and another at El Torviscal(Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo).
Dunlin: 600 birds at Santa Amalia ricefields (Badajoz) on 8/11 (F. Yuste) and 180 at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) on 9/11 (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo).
Mediterranean Gull: One first-winter bird at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Little Tern: Wintering bird: at river Guadiana, Mérida (Badajoz), one bird on 14/11 and 29/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Pintailed Sandgrouse: 170 birds at Santa Marta de Magasca (Cáceres) on 7/11 (M. Kelsey).
Stock Dove: 231 birds at Galisteo (Cáceres) on 2/11 (J. Prieta). 36 birds at Portaje (Cáceres) on 5/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). 56 birds in flight over Plasencia on 17/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo). 25 birds at Riolobos (Cáceres) on 18/11 (J. Prieta).
Short Eared Owl: One bird at Arroyo de la Luz (Cáceres) on 28/11 (R. Parra).
Pallid Swift: At Alange (Badajoz): six birds on 29/11 and seven flying into building niches at dusk on 30/11 (Jesús Solana).
Wryneck: Wintering birds: one bird at Talaván reservoir (Cáceres) on 7/11 (M. Kelsey), at Toril on 12/11 (J. Briz) and at Plasencia on 29/11 (S. Mayordomo).
Chough: Eight birds at El Pitolero, Cabezabellosa (Cáceres), on 21/11 (R. Montero). Two birds at Arroyo reservoir Conejos (Badajoz) on 26/11 (Antonio Núñez, J. Solana and Vanessa de Alba).
Carrion Crow: One bird at Guijo de Coria (Cáceres) on 8/11 (J. Prieta and S. Mayordomo).
House Martin: Wintering birds: on 7/11, three 3 birds at Badajoz (J. C. Paniagua) and one at Plasencia (Cáceres) (J. Prieta). One bird in a Crag Martin flock at La Tajadilla, Monfragüe (Cáceres), on 13/11 (M. Kelsey). Two birds at Mérida (Badajoz) on 14/11 (Á. Sánchez). One bird at Charca del Judío, Plasencia (Cáceres), on 18/11 (J. Prieta).
Red-Rumped Swallow: Wintering birds: one bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 11/11 (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez). Four birds at La Tajadilla, Monfragüe (Cáceres) on 13/11 and at the Plaza Mayor of Trujillo (Cáceres), 20 birds on 14/11, seven on 23/11 and one on 28/11 (M. Kelsey).
Goldcrest: Two birds at Riomalo de Abajo (Cáceres) on 10/11 (A. Pacheco).
Dipper: One bird at Charca del pueblo de Robledillo de Trujillo (Cáceres) on 5/11 (S. Fletcher).
Ring Ouzel: One bird at Guadalupe (Cáceres) on 12/11 (Emilio Costillo).
Bluethroat: One male at El Batán (Cáceres) on 4/11 (S. Mayordomo) and three males at Laguna de Galisteo (Cáceres) on 25/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Alpine Acccentor: One bird at Puerto de Esparabán, Pinofranqueado (Cáceres), on 17/11 (A. Pacheco).
White/Pied Wagtail: Two birds of the
M. a. yarrellii subspecies at Mérida landfill site (Badajoz) on 6/11 (Á. Sánchez).
Bullfinch: One bird at Guijo de Santa Bárbara (Cáceres) on 13/11 (Jesús Calle) and a pair at Valcorchero, Plasencia (Cáceres), on 17/11 (E. Palacios and S. Mayordomo).
Yellowhammer: Four birds, one of them male, at Oliva de Plasencia (Cáceres) on 17/11 (C. Mills and R. Montero).
Purple Heron: One bird at Arrocampo reservoir (Cáceres) on 16/11 (E. Palacios, I. Gallardo, M. García del Rey, M. Á. Muñoz and S. Mayordomo).
Pallid Swift: One bird at Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres) on 22/11 (J. Briz).
Alpine Swift: On 19/11 two birds were seen at Badajoz (J. C. Paniagua) and three at Alange reservoir (Badajoz) (J. Solana). Last birds at Mérida (Badajoz) on 21/11 (Á. Sánchez).
White-Rumped Swift: Two birds, one of them entering a nest, on 13/11 at Monfragüe (Cáceres) (M. Kelsey). Latest Extremadura record.
Willow Warbler: One bird at river Rivillas, Badajoz, on 7/11 (J. C. Paniagua).
Whitethroat: One bird at river Guadiana, Badajoz, on 11/11 (J. C. Paniagua).
Wheatear: On 9/11, one bird at Palazuelo (Badajoz) and another at Puebla de Alcollarín (Badajoz) (J. P. Prieto and S. Mayordomo). One bird at Mirandilla (Badajoz) on 20/11 (J. Solana).
Yellow Wagtail: One tailless bird on 11/11 at Arrocampo reservoir (J. Guerra and M. Gálvez).
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