

East Norfolk fall

I'd missed all the excitement of the previous 3 days, having been back in Stoke-on-Trent for the Bank Holiday, so Tuesday morning found me heading out to east Norfolk to see if I could find any 'left-overs' from the big fall which occurred over the weekend. I headed down the Nelson Head track and over to my little patch of bushes on the farmland south of the track, which I have permission to bird. This isolated patch of bushes, which has provided me with Great Snipe, Barred Warbler, RBF, Wryneck and R-b Shrike in the past didn't disappoint. The first thing I found was a Greenish Warbler. It perched above my head for a few seconds, just long enough to see a few field marks and then it took me an hour and a half to see it again. In the end it started singing and giving really good views, albeit still inside the bushes, making it impossible to photograph, but I did manage to record the bird calling and singing on video (sound only).
Crank up your volume and have a listen...

Also in the bushes, was a slightly more co-operative Icterine Warbler.

Icterine Warbler, Horsey, Norfolk

Icterine Warbler, Horsey, Norfolk

Icterine Warbler, Horsey, Norfolk

There were still plenty of common migrants around. Between the south side of Horsey and  Waxham I must have seen about 40-50 Wheatears, 8 Common Redstarts, 5 Whinchats, 20 Willow Warblers, 5 Pied Flycatchers and 2 Spotted Flycatchers.

A really nice day!

Pied Flycatcher, Waxham.

Spotted Flycatcher, Horsey

Northern Wheatears, Horsey.

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