

7 Oct 2013 - Bryher

Had a great day on Bryher today. After some photos of a strange looking stint emerged last night, about 10 birders took the early boat across to the island to check it out and then spent most of the day there. The stint was probably just a Little Stint, but there was plenty of other birds on the island too. The best bird, which I found, was a Little Bunting that I flushed up from a grassy field. It called a few times and then landed in some bracken and then on some rocks. It showed for about a minute and then flew off with some Meadow Pipits, despite being searched for it wasn't seen again until I re-found it some 7 hours later with a big flock of Meadow Pipits around the campsite.
The radio was handy again as it alerted me to a juvenile Rose-coloured Starling that was flying around the Hell Bay Hotel behind me. It flew around for a minute and the landed in Martin Hallams back garden.
I also managed to get great views of a Yellow-browed Warbler by playing my Long-tailed Tit recording and seeing what came out to it. A few other nice birds on the island included about 5 Whinchat.

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