

How To Take Your Dog Through A Puppy Potty Training Class

By Amanda Ellis

Buying a pup comes with so many responsibilities. One of the most important ones is taming the animal. Most people fail in this area because they are not patient enough. Dogs need patience and understanding. In case you do not have enough time to train the pup, hire someone to run the puppy potty training class as soon as you purchase the pet. However, it is best to educate the pet on your own as it will be easier for the pet to obey you. These pups are eager to learn, trust and respect thus ensure that you have created a good relationship with them.

Still and all, it is not possible to train a dog if you do not understand it. It is thus critical to learn and understand how the pup behaves. Research on the internet and read about your dog breed. Find out more about its unique character traits and anything special associated with the breed. For instance, some breeds like Chihuahua have quite small bladders. Thus, they have to urinate frequently compared to other pets.

While giving potty lessons to your pup, always keep an eye on it. This will help you to notice early signs thus preventing accidents. When dogs need to defecate or urinate, they tend to start barking, sniffing, and circling. In case you see any sudden behavior change, you should respond immediately. Additionally, make a habit of interrupting accidents with specific commands so that the dog learns and understands.

Select a specific zone outside for the dog to urinate or defecate. Take the pup there every time it needs to poop or pee. The spot you pick should be secluded and easy to clean. This will help your dog to remember the smell of urine. With time, it will start associating the area with its toilet.

Also, make it a norm to use certain words to command the pet when you take it to pee outside. Make the dog understand what you want it to do. Always be consistent because dogs have great memories. They will remember the commands and know what they are supposed to do.

Praising and rewarding the pet when it does it right will make it feel appreciated. This will make it want to do the right thing again and again so that it can be praised and rewarded. When praising the dog, use a cheerful or happy voice and reward it after it has used the spot appropriately.

In the event an accident happens inside your house, clean the area as soon as possible. Make sure you use the right cleaners and sprays to annihilate the smell of urine. If you fail to do so, the dog will become used to the smell and start using the area as its toilet. Once it starts doing so, stopping can be so tricky.

It is never easy to tame a pup. Pups are very obedient though. Thus, it is upon you to bestow the right behavior. Consistency is the key here. Ensure that the commands you use for particular events are always the same. This way, the pup will not be confused.

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