
Useful Information Regarding English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale

By Scott Brown

The English cream golden retriever is a beautiful, creamy-colored dog that attracts many owners. The phrase English creams is usually used to casually refer to this dogs. The dog is owned by very many people today. Most of these owners are usually misinformed about its health. For most owners, English creams are healthier in comparison to golden retrievers. Here are facts regarding English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale.

There is no solid reason behind this line of thought. Cream colored retrievers are no healthier than the gold-colored varieties. There is no evidence from research that backs the claim that cream-colored retrievers have improved personalities and have better health in comparison to Goldies. As a matter of fact, the coat in most goldies is usually gentle cream in color.

Goldies have a tendency of having a higher cancer rate and it is because of this that it is thought by most individuals that creams are healthier than them. However, both goldies and creamies are prone to cancer to various extents. Actually, both of them are just the same dog breed and the only major difference is the coat color. Both of them are very common dogs and are rated third among the most popular dog breeds by the ACK.

The cream-colored retriever was derived from its golden counterpart. The goldy has a very long history that goes back to the Victorian age. It is thought to have descended from the tweed water spaniel and other breeds of retrievers. Someone named Dudley Marjoribanks was the first individual to ever own this dog. The AKC recognized the breed in 1925.

Numerous people are attracted to the good personality of these canines. Their distinguished personality has made them to be used by movie producers in numerous films. Puppies love a lot of attention and they are indiscriminate of who they get the attention from. This makes many people to want to have them for pets. Before owning one, one must be sure that they can provide the level of attention they need.

Creamies make great companion dogs. Therefore, creamies must not be kept without being given attention for a long time. The usually become bored and lonely when they are left alone. The can become destructive and bark due to boredom and loneliness. For example, they might begin chewing furniture and digging around the compound.

The dogs are very energetic. That makes obedience training very important. They need to be trained adequately and early so that they can learn to channel the energy into useful activities. Training should be coupled with adequate exercise so that they can burn the extra calories they have in their bodies. Being the intelligent dogs they are, they learn very fast and are always eager to please their owners.

Creamies of English origin shed their coat on a seasonal basis. They are supposed to receive extra grooming at the time they are shedding their hair. Normally, when they are not shedding hair, they need weekly grooming for them to be in good health. Creamies are great pets. They live well with other pets and children.

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By Scott Brown

The English cream golden retriever is a beautiful, creamy-colored dog that attracts many owners. The phrase English creams is usually used to casually refer to this dogs. The dog is owned by very many people today. Most of these owners are usually misinformed about its health. For most owners, English creams are healthier in comparison to golden retrievers. Here are facts regarding English Cream Golden Retriever Puppies For Sale.

There is no solid reason behind this line of thought. Cream colored retrievers are no healthier than the gold-colored varieties. There is no evidence from research that backs the claim that cream-colored retrievers have improved personalities and have better health in comparison to Goldies. As a matter of fact, the coat in most goldies is usually gentle cream in color.

Goldies have a tendency of having a higher cancer rate and it is because of this that it is thought by most individuals that creams are healthier than them. However, both goldies and creamies are prone to cancer to various extents. Actually, both of them are just the same dog breed and the only major difference is the coat color. Both of them are very common dogs and are rated third among the most popular dog breeds by the ACK.

The cream-colored retriever was derived from its golden counterpart. The goldy has a very long history that goes back to the Victorian age. It is thought to have descended from the tweed water spaniel and other breeds of retrievers. Someone named Dudley Marjoribanks was the first individual to ever own this dog. The AKC recognized the breed in 1925.

Numerous people are attracted to the good personality of these canines. Their distinguished personality has made them to be used by movie producers in numerous films. Puppies love a lot of attention and they are indiscriminate of who they get the attention from. This makes many people to want to have them for pets. Before owning one, one must be sure that they can provide the level of attention they need.

Creamies make great companion dogs. Therefore, creamies must not be kept without being given attention for a long time. The usually become bored and lonely when they are left alone. The can become destructive and bark due to boredom and loneliness. For example, they might begin chewing furniture and digging around the compound.

The dogs are very energetic. That makes obedience training very important. They need to be trained adequately and early so that they can learn to channel the energy into useful activities. Training should be coupled with adequate exercise so that they can burn the extra calories they have in their bodies. Being the intelligent dogs they are, they learn very fast and are always eager to please their owners.

Creamies of English origin shed their coat on a seasonal basis. They are supposed to receive extra grooming at the time they are shedding their hair. Normally, when they are not shedding hair, they need weekly grooming for them to be in good health. Creamies are great pets. They live well with other pets and children.

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