
Last few days

A couple of late nights and early mornings up at Timble with Andy trying for Owls and Waxwings coming into and out of roost. No Luck but enjoyable. Also another 60 + birds ringed at Elland Gravel Pits, mainly Blue tits and Gt Tits with Greenfinch, robins, Dunnocks, Coal Tits and Wren.

A trip to Martin Mere to watch the Whoopers being fed at 3pm was great over 1500 there plus all the other stuff and some nice photos of a Whooper flying in with one of the sat tags showing.

Today spent the morning at Stainland dean putting up another 20 Nest Boxes and cleaning out the old ones . Caught a Blue Tit a retrap from 31/12/07 AMAZING have not re caught this bird before all year and here it is exactly a year later in the same net ride .


A couple of late nights and early mornings up at Timble with Andy trying for Owls and Waxwings coming into and out of roost. No Luck but enjoyable. Also another 60 + birds ringed at Elland Gravel Pits, mainly Blue tits and Gt Tits with Greenfinch, robins, Dunnocks, Coal Tits and Wren.

A trip to Martin Mere to watch the Whoopers being fed at 3pm was great over 1500 there plus all the other stuff and some nice photos of a Whooper flying in with one of the sat tags showing.

Today spent the morning at Stainland dean putting up another 20 Nest Boxes and cleaning out the old ones . Caught a Blue Tit a retrap from 31/12/07 AMAZING have not re caught this bird before all year and here it is exactly a year later in the same net ride .


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