

What Bengal Cat Breeders Florida Recognizes Want You To Know

By Timothy Thomas

Cat lovers are different than other people. They may mimic their feline friends in the independence and curiosity they exhibit. They may find satisfaction and personal fulfillment without much encouragement or attention from others. The type of cat that best compliments those personalities and lifestyles can vary widely. Some prefer lap cats and lazy laid back companions. Others enjoy rambunctious, active felines that challenge and excite. Bengal cat breeders Florida recognizes, will tell you their kittens can be a handful.

Many people who like cats believe they would enjoy having a somewhat exotic animal as a companion. Even the name Bengal connotes the jungle and reminds us of the fabulous wild cats that inhabit foreign countries. Bengals are actually a mixture of the wild and the domestic. They are a hybrid breed, part Asian leopard and part domestic short hair. They have been bred and crossbred over the years to develop their distinctive coats and temperaments. It is this temperament that responsible Miami FL breeders want people to understand before they buy a kitten they cannot handle.

One of the first things to know is just how intelligent they are. It is not unusual for a kitten to watch its human owner open a door or cabinet one time and then successfully mimic the movements required to get out of the door or into the cabinet. Once accomplished, they will remember how to do it from then on. Baby proofing your home if you have one of these inquisitive animals may be necessary.

Bengals need room to play, explore and exercise. These cats are extremely active and can easily become destructive if they do not have the opportunity to release their enormous energy. Small apartments and confined spaces will not work for Bengals who love to roam around large free spaces.

Cats are naturally nocturnal animals. With their superior vision, felines have an advantage over their prey when it is dark. Bengals seem to have retained a lot of the night time hunter instinct. They may spend hours prowling through your house deciding just what they can get into next. Their owners never know exactly what they will wake up to in the morning.

Unlike their more domestic cousins, most Bengals love to play in water. They might join you in the bathtub, try to drink from the kitchen sink, or even jump into an available pool. Bengals can be messy eaters and drinkers. These animals are known for scooping water out of their water dish so they can lap it up off of the floor.

These animals are not typically known as lap cats. They usually love human company and will enjoy countless hours of play and affection, but do not depend on them to curl up with you at the end of a long day. A Bengal is an animal with a restless and energetic personality.

Bengals are beautiful animals, and their breeders understand the unique traits that make the cats so special. That is why professional handlers take so much care to place their kittens in the kind of environment where they will thrive.

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