

Keeshond Breeders Are Not Hard To Find

By Daniel Wagner

Most dogs are very intelligent. The Poodle is considered to be the highest on the totem pole of intelligence in the dog world. The Keeshond is also very smart and has a wonderful temperament for most dog owners. If you are considering getting a new dog, make sure you do your research and are ready to take on this responsibility. Keeshond breeders can help you make a good choice.

Intelligence is one of this dog's strongest suits. It is very smart and another great quality is that it loves to please its owner. An eagerness to please is a great sign that it is easy to train. When a dog is easy to train, it can do wonders for the human. It can help someone who is disabled or even for people that are not disabled, it can help.

Travel can be an ordeal when it comes to this breed because the disabled person who may have a wheelchair struggles to get on the plane from the runway. They do not know if they will fit okay through the door and may struggle with their baggage. A service animal will go a long way to helping reduce the stress for this person.

The fluffy hair and curly tail are a couple of physical traits of this breed. They are from Germany and are known to be in the Spitz breed category. They are a medium-sized dog around forty to fifty pounds. Research this breed before you decide to buy one. It may or may not be the right breed for you.

Finding a good breeder does not have to be difficult. Looking online is a great choice or in a local phone directory if you still have one. Networking with other people on various dog websites and blogs are a good resource. Keep an open mind and heart when reaching out and meeting new people. People look for additions to their life all of the time.

Networking at a dog show is also a wonderful form of learning new things about dogs and learning new things about people that may breed the type of dog that you are looking for. Keep an open mind when looking for new things in your life. You never know what might surprise you.

Do not forget about grooming when it comes to getting this breed of dog. The long, beautiful fur comes at a price which means you must work hard at home to brush your dog daily. You could also pay a groomer to take care of this responsibility. Groomers charge around fifty dollars for a medium-sized dog depending on which groomer you go to. Look around to get a good price.

Financial considerations need to be also taken into consideration. Getting your dog regular shots, feeding it good food that does not have a lot of fillers in it and supplying toys or a dog bed can get expensive. Sit down and do a budget of your regular expenses so you do not get overwhelmed with costs.

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