

Using Therapies To Treat Separation Anxiety For Dogs

By Kathleen Rogers

Dogs with separation anxiety exhibit behavioral and distress problems when left alone. Some common indications are scratching at doors or windows, digging on the property, howling, destructive chewing, whining, barking, defecation and urinating. This problem is not yet fully understood why some dogs are affected with these problems. When it comes to Separation Anxiety for Dogs in Los Angeles, individuals can consider using therapies to treat their pets.

Bring your dogs to the vet to eliminate any underlying issues. A simple act of behavioral change may indicate medical condition. If they are not feeling well, there must be something wrong with them physically. Veterinarians can rule out any medical issues surrounding the dogs anxiety. If no medical condition is found, then the vet can find a treatment for their separation anxieties.

Put blinders. Try using blinder caps to cover their eyes. This will help the canine decreasing their visual stimulation and only allows them to see shapes and not details which reduces anxieties. It works better for animals that are fearful of bright lights and flashes such as fireworks and thunderstorms. Make sure to test it out first to determine their comfortability.

Work on counter conditioning. This is a procedure where the owner will work on changing their pets reactions to different kinds of situations. This process will require a lot of patience, dedication and time. However, this holds a good chance of treating their separation anxieties. Owners will work by replacing a fearful situation into something that the dog loves.

Try using alternative therapies. Many available options can be chosen for owners which are non prescription medication which can be acquired from veterinarians office or pharmacies. However, ensure to take your dog to a veterinarian first to determine their state and see which alternative medicines will they prescribed.

Before leaving, try to take the dog outside for a long walk. Getting a good exercise will reduce the dogs anxieties especially for breeds that are large. Taking it for a long walk will tire them out and likely to settle their nerves down. Do some engaging activities together such as fetching or other games that are good both for the mind and body.

For short terms, sedatives will make the animal too sleepy and does not show signs of anxiety. The brain will be reduced and gaining new abilities will be restraint. The training that is done will somewhat be forgotten especially when the medications have stopped as well. Some medications will cause disorientation and amplify the distress they feel when being anxious.

Never punish them for any anxious behaviors. Dogs must never be scolded nor punish when they are suffering from anxieties. Berating them just because they show signs of anxieties will only increase their conditions. Keep reminding yourself never to hurt them because their behavior they are just acting out of anxiety. Punishing them will never stop their behaviors but only worsen.

Knowing the different signs and symptoms of separation anxiety is crucial for treating it as soon as possible. Owners must have the knowledge in detecting anxiety before it becomes worst. Using therapies or other alternative measures is crucial for making the dog happy all the time.

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