
Last few days

I was out with Kev over the last few days, a night trying for Stormie's which started off with high hopes as the wind had dropped. 2 were caught a new bird and a control. The wind got up again within an hour of starting so we called it a night.

Also a great morning down a Peel and then on to Niarbyl. We originally went to try and ring some more Black Guillemots  and Herring Gulls. The Guillemots had left the harbour wall and were no where to be seen. So we set up for Herring Gull about 200 birds circling the spring traps but none would come down, there getting wise to us. So as i had my small spring traps with me and some meal worm we set up for Rock Pipit.  40 minutes later we had ringed 7. 
Kev said we should try down at Niarbyl  so off we shot. 11 more Rock Pipits ringed and a good opportunity to show and  talk about why ring birds.

All the Rock Pipits we have ringed have been this years young except 2. At Peel we caught an adult in full moult which is always good to compare with the juvenile plumage. And another Adult was caught at Port Moar last week.

This morning i spent a pleasant hour down at Port Moar with another 7 Rock Pipits ringed all juvenile birds
Looks like the Rock Pipit has had a good breeding season 

Check out Kev's blog for info on a colour ringed Sanderling that was seen on the island 
very interesting.

I was out with Kev over the last few days, a night trying for Stormie's which started off with high hopes as the wind had dropped. 2 were caught a new bird and a control. The wind got up again within an hour of starting so we called it a night.

Also a great morning down a Peel and then on to Niarbyl. We originally went to try and ring some more Black Guillemots  and Herring Gulls. The Guillemots had left the harbour wall and were no where to be seen. So we set up for Herring Gull about 200 birds circling the spring traps but none would come down, there getting wise to us. So as i had my small spring traps with me and some meal worm we set up for Rock Pipit.  40 minutes later we had ringed 7. 
Kev said we should try down at Niarbyl  so off we shot. 11 more Rock Pipits ringed and a good opportunity to show and  talk about why ring birds.

All the Rock Pipits we have ringed have been this years young except 2. At Peel we caught an adult in full moult which is always good to compare with the juvenile plumage. And another Adult was caught at Port Moar last week.

This morning i spent a pleasant hour down at Port Moar with another 7 Rock Pipits ringed all juvenile birds
Looks like the Rock Pipit has had a good breeding season 

Check out Kev's blog for info on a colour ringed Sanderling that was seen on the island 
very interesting.

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