

Quality not quantity thats what i am always telling my wife. And last night it was Quality.
Met Kev at 11:00 and set two nets ups. 
1 Manx Shearwater
1 Storm Petrel

Great night, the stars were amazing with up to 10 Shooting stars, maybe the lack of cloud cover
was why we didnt catch much more . 

The last 3 nights have been great an early night tonight me thinks, thanks again to Kev.
Quality not quantity thats what i am always telling my wife. And last night it was Quality.
Met Kev at 11:00 and set two nets ups. 
1 Manx Shearwater
1 Storm Petrel

Great night, the stars were amazing with up to 10 Shooting stars, maybe the lack of cloud cover
was why we didnt catch much more . 

The last 3 nights have been great an early night tonight me thinks, thanks again to Kev.

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