
Sunday and a new visitor to the garden

I was out with Mark this morning from 0800. Another 2 Sedge Warblers ringed that brings his total to 30 for the week. Also Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Wren and a retrap Male Blackbird which was ringed in 2006 at this site.

Net rides 

This afternoon was spent in the garden with a spot of ringing and a few beers.
Nice to see a Treecreeper in the net{ another first for the garden} and hear Sandwich Terns go past the end of the garden at the same time. 
2 more Siskins ringed
2x Blue Tits
1 Robin
1 Greenfinch 

I was out with Mark this morning from 0800. Another 2 Sedge Warblers ringed that brings his total to 30 for the week. Also Chaffinch, Goldcrest, Wren and a retrap Male Blackbird which was ringed in 2006 at this site.

Net rides 

This afternoon was spent in the garden with a spot of ringing and a few beers.
Nice to see a Treecreeper in the net{ another first for the garden} and hear Sandwich Terns go past the end of the garden at the same time. 
2 more Siskins ringed
2x Blue Tits
1 Robin
1 Greenfinch 

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