

Healthy Pets Help Ensure Healthy Families

By Donna Stone

Animals have always been an important part of human life. Some animals are kept for food, others for produce and yet others for working. Yet, some animals are kept for companionship and they often become an integral part of the household. They are loved and cherished. They are not expected to work or to make any contribution other than to be there for the pleasure of all household members. It is vital to remember, however, that only healthy pets can provide joy and affection.

Animals that do not receive affection and attention from their owners can easily become unhealthy. They become frustrated, develop destructive habits and refuse to eat, all simply to attract the attention of their owners and to receive some form of affection. When choosing an animal, it is important to ascertain the level of personal attention that the animal will require and if it would be difficult to provide that level of attention it may be better to choose a different type of animal.

The health of any household animal is also directly related to the quality and quantity of exercise he gets. This is especially the case when the animal is caged or kept in a confined space such as an apartment. Some animals, such as cats, rats and hamsters, for example, can satisfy their own exercise needs but others, such as dogs need their owners to exercise them.

An inappropriate diet is perhaps the biggest threat to the health of a household animal. Many owners fail to feed their animals a balanced diet specifically designed for their needs. They think they show them love by feeding them human food and snacks on demand. The truth of the matter is that an unbalanced diet radically shorten the life span of such animals.

Animals often develop medical conditions that are not obvious to their owners. That is why it is necessary to schedule regular visits to the vet. Routine tests will quickly reveal potential problems which can be dealt with in good time. Animals should also receive their inoculations on a regular basis. Any sudden changes in the habits of an animal may be indicative of a health problem.

Animals suffering from boredom and stressful situations are often unhealthy. All household animals should enjoy some variety in their routine and animals that enjoy playing with toys should have a variety available to them. Stress can be a killer, too. Owners will quickly learn which situations cause an animal stress and should try not to expose the animal to such situations.

It is unfortunate that many animal owners adopt animals that are simply not suited to the environment where they will be kept. The living environment intended for an animal should be a vital consideration when choosing a household pet. Some animals need more space, others need hiding places and yet others need privacy. Keeping an animal in an unsuited environment will affect its health.

Household animals can be a joy and they offer many benefits. It is important to choose an animal that will fit into the lifestyle of its owners. Owners have a responsibility to make sure that their animals are content, well cared for and healthy. Owners should also keep in mind that some animal diseases can be transferred to humans, especially children.

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